In response to whether the export control of China's restrictions on 镓 and 锗 is a counterattack against the United States, Japan, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that restricting semiconductor raw materials exports are international traffic and do not target any specific country.

The Chinese government issued export controls on semiconductor materials 镓 and 锗 on Monday (July 3).Renmao Ning responded at a regular press conference on Tuesday (4th) that the Chinese government implemented export control on relevant items in accordance with the law and is an internationally traffic practice without any specific country.

It is said that the export of Chinese restrictions on semiconductor raw materials is not consistent with the stance of China's maintenance chain., Non -discriminated export control measures.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the export restrictions on the related products of the relevant products will be officially implemented from August 1.Analysts believe that this is a response to the continuous upgrading of Washington's efforts to curb China's technological progress.According to Reuters, for some business people, they are even more worried that if China and the United States will have the technical curb upgrading of each other next, China will also launch more similar restrictions, such as export restrictions on rare earth.