Jiang Jie, vice chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, was informed on Monday (July 3), becoming the "first tiger" in the second half of this year, and the fourth place in Tibet since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012Grade senior official.Scholars of interviewees evaluated that after a year and a half years of turbulence in the officialdom of Tibet, Jiang Jie, who had assisted Tibet for more than 10 years, was dismissed to further release the signal of the CCP's anti -corruption "no ban area".

The official website of the Communist Party of China on the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China notified Jiang Jie's dismissal on Monday, and he became the 25th central management cadre of this year, and it was also the "first tiger" in Tibet this year.

Jiang Jie, 58, is a native of Jiaozhou, Shandong. He is a doctor of management. After graduating from university, he returned to his hometown of Qingdao as a reporter for six years.Secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee.

After 28 years of working in Shandong, Jiang Jie first across the provincial -performing New Tibet Autonomous Region Government in June 2013, and later served as director of the Department of Transportation.Government executive vice chairman.

In December 2021, 56 -year -old Jiang Jie retired from the second -tier CPPCC early, and later served as the vice chairman of the Tibet CPPCC for a year and a half to be investigated.

On the day of the dismissal, Jiang Jie's report on June 28 still appeared on the Tibetan Daily on the Board of the Autonomous Region.On June 29, he also hosted a study symposium from the Tibet CPPCC, which was the last time he appeared in the public vision.

In the past year and a half, Tibet has three "tigers", including Zhang Yongze, former vice chairman of the autonomous region government, Ji Guogang, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, and Jiang Jie. The three have 10 years of work intersections.

On the day of the investigation of Jiang Jie, the former party secretary of the Tibet Water Resources Department Dawa Tascisi and the deputy mayor of Shannan City, Wang Xia, were also notified to fall off on the same day.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Tibet, who lagged economic lag, mainly relied on central transfer payment to promote construction.Generally in charge of local finances, there are more corruption space and opportunities.

Tang Renwu's judgment, Jiang Jie's horse showed that although Tibet's work conditions were arduous, it did not mean that the corruption of Tibetan officials could be concentrated.

Tang Renwu also believes that Jiang Jie has worked in Shandong for a long time, and has worked with several officials in Qingdao, Dongying and other places, and is likely to be implicated in the process of these corrupt elements.

During his tenure as the secretary of the Huangdao District Committee of Qingdao City, the Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee was Du Shicheng.After Du Shicheng, he fulfilled the Deputy Secretary of the New Shandong Provincial Party Committee and was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2008.

With Jiang Jie's dismissal, three senior officials in Dongying City, Shandong Province have fallen off, namely Jiang Jie's former mayor Zhang Jianhua and Jiang Jie, and Liu Shihe, who replaced Jiang Jie as the secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee.Both Zhang Jianhua and Liu Shi have been horse in 2018.