Sichuan Province continues to rain, and the local flood control department transferred 23,534 households and 85,307 people in advance.

According to China News Service, the reporter learned the above news from the Office of the Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters from Sichuan Province on Tuesday (July 4).

The Sichuan Meteorological Observatory issued a heavy rain blue warning at 16:00 on July 3, and the Sichuan province's anti -finger finger four flood prevention emergency responses were maintained.Guangyuan, Bazhong, Dazhou, Nanchong, Mianyang, Deyang, Yibin, Luzhou, Ya'an, northern and northern Panxi, southern Ganzi Prefecture dropped to heavy rain, and local heavy rain.

It is understood that during this rainfall, the Sichuan Provincial Defense Office issued a risk reminder to the city (state) defense office, relevant member units and provincial rescue teams, and passed the Sichuan emergency "two micro -one network network."Push the warning prompt to the public.At the same time, strengthen the duty duty, closely monitor the rain and water, carry out rolling scheduling on the rainfall warning area and the flood disaster warning area, and the random inspection and scheduling of 26 counties (cities, districts) defense office, 51 townships (towns, streets) on duty.Remind 51 construction sites and camps, and urge the guidance of 33 coal mines in Panzhihua, Luzhou, Yibin, and Liangshan to withdraw more than 2,500 people in the well.