Huang Yi, a member of the former party group and vice chairman of the Yunnan Provincial CPPCC, was sentenced to the first instance of the bribery case. Huang Yi was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined 3 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 560,000)Essence

According to the CCTV News client on Tuesday (July 4), the Chongqing First Intermediate People's Court publicly tried Huang Yi's bribery case.The court heard that from 2001 to 2022, Huang Yi successively used the position of serving as the secretary -general of the CPC Baoshan Municipal Party Committee, Secretary -General of the Yunnan Provincial People's Government, the Standing Committee of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department, vice chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC and other positions.Convenient, help relevant units and individuals in terms of engineering contracting, project approval, and business operations, and illegally accepts more than RMB 34.95 million in property.

The court believes that Huang Yi's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery, and the amount is particularly huge.In view of the fact that Huang Yi confessed his crimes truthfully after he arrived, he actively explained the fact that part of the criminal crime of bribery that the supervisory organs had not yet mastered; pleaded guilty and actively refunded the stolen money.From light punishment.The court made the above judgment.

Public information shows that Huang Yi was born in August 1958. He was born in Ruili, Yunnan.EssenceIn January last year, Huang Yi no longer served as the vice chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Political Consultative Conference.In March of the same year, he was announced by officials and was expelled from the party in August.