The Shanghai Cooperation Organization held the head of state for the first time after the Wagner's troops changed. At the meeting, the Chinese official emphasized the partnership of the SCO's partnerships and the alliance, and called on various countries to highly be alert to incite the new Cold War and manufacturing camp confrontation in the region., Resolutely oppose any country to interfere with the internal affairs and motivate the color revolution.

Scholars of interviewed scholars analyzed that Beijing is trying to remove the outside world's doubts about China's gangs through the SCO.

The meeting of the head of the head of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization was held in India on Tuesday (July 4). The meeting accepted Iran as a formal member country and signed a memorandum of Bloss to join SCO obligations.

Iran has been sanctioned by Western for many years due to the development of nuclear weapons projects. Against the background of Sino -US relations, the situation of China, Russia, and Iran has continued to attract the attention of Western countries.Credit into the Russian camp.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials emphasized during the speech at the meeting that the SCO established a partnership with non -confrontation and partnerships in the SCO, which strengthened the progress of maintaining the world's peace and stability.

Earlier, the eight members of the SCO were China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tagikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan, and Iran joined the ninth member country.

There is a long -term tension between some member states, and the border friction between China and India is unreasonable. Last month, the news that the two countries expelled the station reporters from each other;Kashmir's problem fiercely confronts the problem of unity within the SCO.

Indian Prime Minister Modi for the first time in June this year conducted a state visit to the United States to release signals to strengthen cooperation in the United States and India.In the same month, India changed the meeting of the Head of State, the members of the SCO Organization State, to the online manner, which also means that the heads of state of the members will not have a face -to -face meeting during the meeting.

Chinese officials urge the members of the SCO to strengthen strategic communication and collaboration, to dialogue with dialogue, to surpass competition with cooperation, effectively respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and firmly support each other to achieve the revitalization of development.

After the soldiers change, Putin appeared on the first online international occasion

This is the first time that the heads of state members of the SCO Organization have met online for the first time after the Wagner of Russia changed. It is also the first time that Russian President Putin appeared on international occasions.

Chinese officials remind countries to start from regional and long -term interests, independently formulate foreign policies, and highly be alert to incite the new cold war and manufacture of camps in the region, and resolutely oppose any country to interfere in the internal affairs and make the color revolution.Hold the future of the country's development and progress firmly in your own hands.

In terms of economy, Chinese officials call on countries to focus on pragmatic cooperation, accelerate economic recovery, oppose protectionism, unilateral sanctions, generalization of national security concepts, oppose "building walls and sets up," "off -hook and disconnection chain", strengthen high highQuality builds the Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies and regional cooperation initiatives of various countries, and expands the share of the national national currency settlement.

According to Agence France -Presse, Putin said at the meeting: "Russia is continuing to resist external pressure, sanctions and provocations."

Putin also expressed his thanks to the member states of the SCO's organization to "express support for the protection of the constitutional order and the safety of citizens' lives for the protection of the constitution of Russian leaders."

Raffaello Pantucci, a senior researcher at the Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology Raffaello Pantucci, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao.The considerable international mechanism is to strengthen the core position of the SCO in China and Russia's international order with non -Western countries as the core.

Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of the Chinese Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association of Taiwan's Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, said in an interview that Beijing is currently carefully trying to eliminate the suspicion of the outside world for China through the SCO gangs.India, so Chinese officials emphasize the partnership of the SCO's partnerships, and also hopes to avoid causing India's rebound.

Wang Zhisheng pointed out that "the SCO seems to gradually form the atmosphere of the Security Dialogue (QUAD) of the Australia of NATO or the United States, Japan, and Australia.Expansion to the Arab world.