The China Meteorological Administration predicts that one to two tropical cyclones may log in in July or significantly affect South China and other regions.

According to the surging news report, the China Meteorological Administration held a regular launch conference on Tuesday (July 4) to release the July climate trend prediction and disaster prevention and mitigation recommendations.

The China Meteorological Administration predicts that in July, there willSoutheast coast.

According to reports, from the recent perspective, it is expected that from July 5th to 7th, there will be 35 to 38 degrees Celsius in eastern North China, Fen Weiping Plains and northern Henan, and northern Shandong.The temperature can reach 39 to 41 degrees Celsius.From July 8th to 9th, there will be significant high temperature weather in southern North China, Fenwei Plain, and northern Henan.In addition, from July 6th to 7th and July 11th to 13th, 35 to 37 degrees Celsius will also have high temperatures from southern Jiangnan and South China.

In terms of precipitation, the main rain areas are expected to be in the next 10 days (July 4th to 13th) in the next 10 days (July 4th to 13th).In the ministry and other places, the cumulative precipitation is generally 50 to 90 mm, there are 100 to 150 mm in some areas, and the local area exceeds 200 mm. The main processes will appear from July 6th to 8th and July 10th to 13th.

According to the climate trend forecast in July, the China Meteorological Administration reminds to prevent heavy precipitation, strong convection and secondary disasters.Northeast, central and northern, central, southwest, southwest of the region, and northwestern region, and southwestern Xinjiang's staged precipitation may cause secondary disasters such as urban waterlogging, floods, mountain landslides, and mudslides., Nen River, Liaohe, Huaihe River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River may have a heavy flood.

The China Meteorological Bureau also reminds the adverse effects of preventing high temperatures in Huanghuai and other places in North China. It is recommended to take precautionary measures such as heatstroke and cooling, electricity scheduling, outdoor construction safety guarantee, etc., and also called on the public to travel out during the summer of July when traveling out of the summer., Pay attention to children's water -related safety education, beware of drowning incidents.