China and Thailand will hold joint training in the Air Force. The Ministry of National Defense said that the joint training aims to deepen the pragmatic exchanges and cooperation between the Air Force of the two countries.

The WeChat account of the Ministry of National Defense "Released by the Ministry of Defense" issued a notice on the morning of Sunday (July 2) stating that according to the consensus reached by the annual plan and the consensus reached by China and Thailand, the "Eagle Strike-20123"The joint training of the Air Force will be held in the Thai Air Force Wulong Base in July.China will send fighters, fians, early warning planes, etc. to Thai -Thai ginseng training.

The notice does not have the date of the joint training.

The brief announcement of this content also said that the joint training aims to deepen the pragmatic exchanges and cooperation between the China -Thai Air Force and continuously enrich the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Since 2015, the China -Thai Air Force has been holding exercises on a regular basis, but it has been suspended during the crown disease epidemic.

The Global Times has quoted the analysis of the Chinese Air Force expert Fu Qiandou that the Thai Air Force's warfare and training method is the Western system.Regardless of whether it is a combatant bomber, a fighter, a fighter, or a early warning aircraft, the performance is stronger than that of Thailand. The Thai Air Force can deeply understand the performance of Chinese fighters in the training.