A survey of a Chinese Internet users' satisfaction show that in measures for the protection of network rights and interests for minors, the public has the lowest satisfaction with the "rice circle" rectification operation.

According to the China Youth Daily report on Thursday (June 29), according to the 135 China Internet Social Organizations in China Last August, a survey of network security sense satisfaction was launched in August.The overall satisfaction of adult network rights and interests is 3.24 points (5 points in full score), which is improved from 3.17 in 2021.

When the measures of the rights and interests of minors, the interviewees have the highest satisfaction of measures such as the "curfew", "real name" and "limited time order" of the game company, reaching 3.64 points;The "Rice Circle" "rectification operation is the lowest, only 3.12 points.

The survey also found that the minors interviewed were more satisfied with various measures than adults.Among them, in terms of overall satisfaction, minors are 0.43 points higher than adult interviewees; in terms of satisfaction of various measures, minors are then "online curfes" and "limited time" satisfaction reaches 3.71 points, "Although the effect of the "cultural rectification action of the rice circle is also the same, it also reached 3.29 points.

Among the respondents, 19.8%of minors under 18, 66.11%of young people aged aged aged aged aged aged aged aged aged agent, 14.07%of middle -aged people aged 45 to 59, and 0.92 over 60 years old accounted for 0.92%.

Survey also shows that the higher the degree of education, the lower the satisfaction of the rights and interests of minors.Among them, the satisfaction of interviewees in college and below is higher than the average score, and the satisfaction of interviewees in the undergraduate and above degree is less than the average score, and the satisfaction of the undergraduate interviewees is 3.10 points, the master's degree is 2.81 points, the doctoral degree is 2.81, the doctoral degreeIt is only 2.44 points.

The investigation team analyzed that this phenomenon may be related to strong information collection capabilities, identification ability, and security awareness in high education groups. They can also capture potential risks and hidden dangers in the network environment. ThereforeIt is easier to cause concerns about the protection of network rights and interests of minors.

The survey report also pointed out that the recognition of minors to most measures is basically the same as that of adults.It shows that the acceptance of minors to restrict the opening of network accounts is not high. I hope to open their own network accounts and have strong autonomy and privacy awareness.

Report pointed out that the Internet has become an important way for minors to learn entertainment and obtain information, but network security issues such as network addiction and information leakage will also affect the physical and mental development of minors.The issue of network protection is not only a hot issue for the whole society, but also the key issue of network governance.