A man in the transportation city of Shanxi Province in China killed his wife and children with a knife and injured his mother -in -law. The next day was confirmed by the police that he had jumped to the river and committed himself.

According to Xiaoxiang Morning News, a major criminal case occurred on Wednesday (June 28), Yuanqu County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi., And cut the mother -in -law and fled.

A co -investigation notification issued by the Public Security Bureau of Yuncheng Yuanqu County, saying that Ren Moumou in Gucheng Town, Yuanqu County was suspected of a major crime.Black Haval's small ordinary bus escaped the scene.

The staff of the local funeral home in Yuncheng said that at 9 pm on Wednesday, the body of the mother and child involved in the case was sent.A few hours later, the body of another man was sent and suspected of the suspect involved.

Xiaoxiang Morning News learned from the local police on Thursday (June 29) that it is true that coordinated inspection and notification.Police confirmed that Ren Moumou, the suspect involved in the case, fled after killing his wife and children to cut his mother -in -law. He jumped into the river and committed himself. The body was found by the police afterwards.Police are also investigating the cause of the incident.