Yang Yang, vice chairman of the World Anti -Doping Agency (WADA), called for anti -stimulants for the emerging e -sports movement as soon as possible to ensure the physical and mental health of the athletes and maintain the purity of the e -sports movement.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (June 29), Yang Yang, who is also a member of the International Olympic Committee, said in an exclusive interview that although the emerging e -sports movement feels different from the traditional sports sports, sports sports are different from the traditional sense of sports sports., But also facing the problem of stimulants, we should start anti -stimulants as soon as possible to protect the purity of the athlete physical and mental health and maintain the purity of the e -sports movement.

In recent years, e -sports, as an emerging movement, has been sought after by more and more young people, and has gradually been accepted by the traditional sports industry.Singapore has just held the first Olympic E -sports Week, and e -sports will also become a formal competition in the Hangzhou Asian Games.However, while the e -sports movement has developed rapidly, there is also worrying stimulants.

Yang Yang believes that the similarities between e -sports sports and traditional sports are that they have high requirements for the attention and physical fitness of athletes, which leaves a hidden danger of abuse of stimulants.

She said: "WADA has noticed the problem of abuse of potential stimulants in e -sports and discussed this issue and related organizations."

Yang Yangguan has seen China China China in ChinaSome e -sports competitions, through exchanges with athletes, found that e -sports players usually conduct high -intensity training, and sometimes even 16 to 18 hours a day training. In the fierce competition, they must have sufficient physical fitness and strong concentration."This is why WADA is worried about. Because existing evidence shows that some e -sports players abuse drugs, their physical and mental health and safety are worthy of attention."

At presentThere are many, but most of the events are not restricted by the World Anti -Doping Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). The e -sports players will neither receive anti -doping education nor stimulant inspection.

Yang Yang believes that, compared to those sports organizations and athletes who comply with regulations, the anti -doping vacuum state of e -sports movement is not conducive to protecting e -sports athletes and destroying the fair sports environment. ThereforeRelevant international organizations should formulate anti -doping plans suitable for this sport.

She said: "WADA believes that the e -sports movement needs to establish rules to prevent the risk of potential illegal drug abuse, and now it should start."

What makes Yang Yang feel relieved isThe stimulants for e -sports have begun to take action.For example, at the Olympic e -sports week in Singapore, athletes initially came into contact with anti -doping knowledge.

In addition, Yang Yang also revealed that the revision of the regulations will soon begin, and then it may be added with anti -doping related requirements for e -sports.