A number of Chinese universities issued an announcement saying that because WeChat payment will charge 0.6%of the handling fee, WeChat payment is decided to stop WeChat payment on campus.WeChat payment responded that non -profit payment scenarios on campus will maintain a zero rate discount. The handling fee is only for small parts of profitable markets and lower than the market average.

According to surging news reports, as of Thursday (June 29), many universities in China have issued an announcement saying that we WeChat payment will be suspended from July 1 because WeChat payment will be charged 0.6% of 0.6%The handling fee.Public information shows that including Northwest University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Zhoukou Teachers College, Zhengzhou Light Industry University, and Zhengzhou Academy of Aeronautics Industry Management have all issued relevant announcements.

WeChat responded through the official account "WeChat Pay Official Weibo" in the afternoon of the day that WeChat Pay entered the campus since 2015, and has given it for non -profit payment scenarios on campus for a long time.The preferential policy of zero rates continues to invest in bank channel fees and other costs.WeChat payment emphasizes that the non -profit payment scenarios on campus will continue to maintain a preferential policy of zero rates.

In response to the collection fees, WeChat payment explained that WeChat payment recently launched the communication of merchants for refined management of the campus industry.Small profit scenarios such as brigades continue to provide services at a preferential rate of lower market average.

After the WeChat payment response, the relevant topics have not faded. The entry of "multiple universities to stop WeChat payment" once appeared on the top of the Weibo hot search list.

WeChat payment issued an apology statement again through the official Weibo of the "Tencent WeChat Team" on the same day to apologize to the majority of schools and teachers and students to deal with the problem of the problem of payment rates of college life service scenarios.

In the apology statement, the team urgently resumed the incident. Due to the lack of oleic acid in refined management, as the campus scene and the number of merchants continued to rise, a large number of e -commerce and wine involved in e -commerce and wineThe profit scenarios such as the brigade occupy the subsidy resources of the zero rate, resulting in the continuous rise in costs. For this reason, the cost of bank channels borne by this is more than 1 billion yuan (RMB, about S $ 190 million).

WeChat payment said that this adjustment is to implement more refined preferential measures to implement the rate, "but it is obviously too simple and rude to cause misunderstandings."Optimize the communication process with universities.

Surging news quoted people familiar with the matter that the current preferential rates for WeChat Pay for the profitability of the campus are mostly 0.2%to 0.38%, which is far from 0.6%after the adjustment.