The 500 -meter -caliber -caliber spherical sphere of the "China Eye" radio telescope (FAST) has recently detected the key evidence of the existence of Nachhz gravitational waves.

According to the China News Agency, the reporter learned from the National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the important results of the Nachhz gravitational wave research, on Thursday (June 29) in Chinese astronomical academic journal astronomical and celestial physics research (RAA) Published online.

As a kind of gravitational wave, detecting the gravitational waves that are low to Nachhrtz will help astronomers understand the origin of the universe structure and detect the largest celestial body in the universeThe process of growth, evolution, and co -integration also helps physicists to insight into the basic physical principles of time and space.

The National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said that it will give full play to the international leading advantages of the FAST pulse star test, accelerate the research on scientific research on gravity wave detection, accumulate longer observation data, and gradually release higher accurate detection resultsOpen the new window of humans using Nachhz gravitational waves to detect the universe.

At the same time, the station will also actively promote FAST expansion and upgrade. Based on the pulse -star testing method, the conventional observation of the Nachhz gravitational wave incident is realized, so as to build the Nahz gravitational wave Observatory and turn on higherA new era of sensitivity and higher resolution of low -frequency radio observation research has accelerated China into a gravity wave astronomical and radio astronomical power.