For the candidate of the people's party president, Ke Wenzhe said to restart the service trade, Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde responded that it was not the way to go now.

According to United News Network, the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde, on Thursday (June 29), attended the third phase of the land and investment activities of the Nanke Park, in response to the issue of service -related trade -related issues.

Lai Qingde said that, with the economic strength of Taiwan, don't just stay in Taiwan. "We have walked through that era, and it is not in mainland China.That era has passed. "," Think about it, do you like it or not that China can come here to open a beauty shop? Of course not, as long as he spends the price, the beauty shop will be miserable ... That's not now it is nowThe way to go. "

Lai Qingde said, now it is to expand your chest, move towards the world, and affect the future. "Let Taiwan become the economy of the economy.Come from Taiwan must have such ambitions. "

Ke Wenzhe said in an interview with a radio program on June 26 that if the president was elected in 2024, the regulations will be established through the Cross -Strait Agreement Supervision Regulations, thenCross -strait service trade agreements (referred to as cargo and trade) negotiations.