The Kuomintang presidential candidate in the crisis of polls in pollsHou Youyi, on Wednesday (June 28), appointed the former Secretary -General of the National Security Congress of Taiwan to serve as the trader of the campaign team, leading the campaign team to lead the campaign team.

Jin Yicong, who has faded out of the political arena for many years, once fell into politics. It was a very heavy staff member of Taiwan's former president Ma Ying -jeou.Ma Ying -jeou won the two mayor of Taipei and two presidential election campaigns. The traders were Jin Jicong, and the "Ma Jin Fight" wrote an undefeated record.This time, if Jin Jicong's reorganization of politics, whether he can lead Hou Youyi to reverse the victory in the 2024 three -year -old presidential election campaign, which has become the focus of attention from the outside world.

Hou Youyi takes care of his hubs

Hou Youyi held a press conference on Wednesday to announce the personnel arrangement of the campaign office.Former Kuomintang Policy CEO Lin Hongchi, Xie Longjie, a member of the former Tainan City, and Du Zijun, deputy dean of the former Executive Yuan.

Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi (3rd left) The personnel arrangement of the campaign office on Wednesday was announced on Wednesday. Among them, the former Secretary -General of the National Security Council Jin Xicong (fourth from left) became the office of the office.The remaining members include (from left): former legislator Lin Hongchi, the Kuomintang general call Zeng Mingzong, former deputy dean of the Executive Yuan Du Zijun, and Xie Longjie, a member of Tainan City.(Freedom Times)

Hou Youyi said that Jin Jicong will be responsible for the strategy, planning and implementation of the election direction, and is the "most important leader of the most important leading campaign team."In addition to being familiar with the election, he also knows the ecology of the local faction.

Jin Yicong has faded out of the political circle for several years. The reason why this time decided to come back, he explained that he was mainly seen that Hou Youyi was willing to bear the heavy responsibility involving Taiwan's future.Although this is a very difficult battle, he is willing to help his personal strength.

Jin Yicong also appreciates Hou Youyi with a lot of cherishing traits. Unlike other politicians, Hou Youyi does not give up publicity, does not propose a political opinion of speculative, short -sightedness, and adheres to the spirit of doing things all the way.

The report from Taiwan reported on Tuesday (27th) revealed that Hou Youyi as early as last month, he asked Jin Yicong to go out of the mountain to save the downturn.Jin Xicong declined at first, but asked Hou Youyi to agree to join after repeatedly.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that one of the key reasons for Jin Jicong's decision to take the trader for Hou Youyi was that Hou Youyi agreed to fully release the "military power" in his hand.According to reports, before Jin Jicong decided to take over the assisted election, he clearly issued the condition to Hou Youyi, that is, to allow him to "cut people", and anyone who does not obey the instructions of the election team must "pack home" immediately.

Jin Yicong's comeback, let Hou Youyi's election see a hint of vitality, mainly because Ma Ying -jeou's close comrades have legendary assistant experience.

Jin Jicong's undefeated record

Jin Yicong, 67, was born in Tainan City, but his political experience was mainly in Taipei.Jin Yicong was the director of the news department of Taipei City and the deputy mayor of Taipei.Because he dared to say the personality and made sharp remarks many times, Jin Jicong was also the nickname of "Jin Xiaodao" by the political and press.

To mention Jin Jicong's political experience, it is inseparable from Ma Ying -jeou.The two met in 1985. At that time, Jin Jicong applied to work in the Kuomintang International Relations Room. At that time, Ma Ying -jeou, who was the youngest Deputy Secretary -General of the Kuomintang, was the examiner.Subsequently, Jin Jicong followed Ma Ying -jeou to engage in the diplomatic work of political parties.

Jin Jicong (right) is Ma Ying-jeou veryRely on the staff.Ma Ying -jeou won the two mayor of Taipei and twice presidential election campaigns. The trader was Jin Jicong.(Internet)

After studying for a doctorate in studying abroad, Jin Jicong returned to Taiwan Political University.At that time, Ma Ying -jeou also resigned from political duties to teach at the University of Political Science, and his former boss became a colleague of Jin Jiancong.

After entering the Taipei mayor's election in 1998, Ma Ying -jeou found Jin Jicong as the Cultural Pressman.This is the first time that Jin Jiancong has assisted Ma Ying -jeou, and successfully defeated Chen Shui -bian, who was in the middle of the day.Four years later, Ma Ying -jeou was successfully re -elected, and the trader was also Jin Yicong.

In 2008, Ma Ying -jeou represented the President's throne on behalf of the Kuomintang.At that time, the Democratic Progressive Party lost his heart due to the disadvantage of President Chen Shui -bian. The Ma Ying -jeou camp was imposing in the election campaign, and eventually he returned to the Kuomintang with an overwhelming victory.Jin Yicong, who dominated the campaign strategy, made a good job, but did not enter the cabinet. Instead, he went to the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a visiting scholar and retreated to the second line.

The reversal victory of Jin Jicong and Ma Ying -jeou

After one year of governing Ma Ying -jeou, because of the failed to make good achievements, not only the five capitals, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City) The polls continued to fall behind, and they were also lost in the local "three -in -one" election (county and city head, county and city councilor, township mayor election).Retreat is far less than the presidential election in 2008.

In order to save the upcoming five capital elections, Ma Ying -jeou asked Jin Yicong, who was a visiting scholar at the Brookos Institute of Washington Think Tank in the United States in December 2009 as the Secretary -General of the Kuomintang.

After taking over the post, Jin Yicong carried out the internal party reform, including breaking the many years of tradition, and requiring the Kuomintang Central Party to work to check in, establish a political and election affairs center for regular polls to master the election conditions to grasp the election conditions to grasp the election conditions.; For the party and workers of the local party department, the work effectiveness assessment and poor performance will be transferred to other counties and cities during the election, and then decide whether to be transferred back to the original unit based on personal performance.

In order to rectify the party style, Jin Jicong also played the true nature of the "Golden Sword".10 city councilors in Tainan City.

At that time, there was a Taiwan media described that Jin Jicong's reform set off a storm in the party.This round of spare no effort to "cut people" also made Jin Xicong and the Kuomintang local party department forged a beam.

However, under the trading of Jin Jiancong, the Kuomintang, who encountered the wind, won the three mayors of Taipei, New Taipei City and Taichung City in the five capital elections in 2010.

Ma Ying -jeou competed for re -election in the 2012 presidential election campaign, and once again appointed Jin Yicong as the trader to fight the DPP candidate Cai Yingwen and the Democratic Party candidate Song Chuyu.

Kim Jiancong is good at leading the opponent,It reversed the Kuomintang's "only beaten and difficult to return".(Internet)

Despite the attack on the opposition party on multiple issues, Jin Jicong also led a number of issues to fight back, including accusing the DPP vice presidential candidate Su Jiaquan in Pingtung County Governor's Luxury House is the luxury farmhouse in Pingtung County Governor's Township.The illegal building, and the construction license was issued when Su Jiaquan served as the county head of Pingtung County; accusing Tsai Ing -wen in 2007 after he stepped down as the vice president of the Executive Yuan, he went to Yuchang Biotechnology invested by Guofa Fund (Zhongyu New Medicine) is the chairman of the chairman, suspicion of Tuli.

Under the leadership of Jin Jiancong, the Kuomintang reversed the situation of "only beating and difficult to return", and the horses with poor governance also stabilized the footsteps and won many entrepreneurs to support the stable development of the 92 consensus.Economic issues have diluted Tsai Ing -wen's consensus discussions.

In terms of the layout of legislators, when Jin Jicong realized that it was difficult to control the party's party affairs system in South Taiwan, he decisively cut off the list of legislators in the southern difficult constituency, and sent Jiang Qichen, Su Junbin, etc.Candidates to the difficult southern constituency tried to closer the voting gap between the Kuomintang and the DPP in the South Taiwan, and created a fresh image of the Kuomintang, and raised Ma Ying -jeou's election.

同时,金溥聪还对不分区立委名单进行大换血,除了由及多位弱势社福代表领头外,前17名安全名单中,有多达11位立法院新面孔,涵盖Social welfare, environmental protection, labor, art and other professional fields, the blood change is the highest in previous.

Although these tough changes have attracted the micro -words of the National Party Department and the conservative forces within the party, from the perspective of voters, this not only highlights the determination of the Kuomintang to seek reform, but also shape a fresh and clean government image.In the end, Ma Ying -jeou defeated Cai Yingwen for re -election with a difference of 800,000 votes.

If it is included in Ma Ying -jeou's 2009 party chairman election, from 1998 to 2012, Jin Jicong served as the main trader of Ma Ying -jeou's five elections, and won the victory again.After Ma Ying -jeou was successfully re -elected as the president, Jin Jicong was sent to the United States to serve as a representative in the United States for two years. After returning to Taiwan, he served as secretary of the National Security Council. He resigned in 2015 due to health reasons.

Can the "horse gold system" effect be copied?

The joint newspaper described that the generally respected election trader is often "enemy fears, comrades love", but Jin Jicong can be "hate, comrades -in -arms".However, it is undeniable that under Jin Yicong's tough -style trading, Ma Ying -jeou did fight a hundred.The model of Ma Ying -jeou's candidate and the behind -the -scenes trading of Jin Jicong, also known as the "horse gold system".

But whether this model can be applied to Hou Youyi, many public opinion has been retained.

Taiwan reported analysis. Although Jin Jicong's international view and diplomatic work experience can have a complementary effect with Hou Youyi, Jin Jicong used to rectify the local black gold forces in the past, and the local factions had shadows.Now that Jin Jicong joins the Hou team, it may allow these local factions to further move closer to the founder of Hon Hai, who may be able to run independently, making Hou Youyi more difficult to integrate local forces. It happens that local forces are the weakness of Hou Youyi.

The media person Huang Yanhan also believes that during the time of Jin Yicong's time as the secretary -general, he had a clear cut with the Kuomintang local factions. After seeing that Jin Yicong helped Hou Youyi, they could cooperate with Hou Youyi, which was worthy of attention.

So far, Jin Jicong is still cut with local factions.For example, the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun recaited the former Hualien County Mayor Fu Kunzheng, who had been running for illegal elections in 2021, and let him go to the nine -in -one local elections in 2022.However, Jin Yicong publicly opposed that Fu Kunzheng was directly approved by the Kuomintang's virus and may erupt at any time.There are also public opinion that Jin Zhu is not united, and the Zhu team may not be willing to cooperate with Jin Jicong's campaign strategy.

Fu Kunyi was invited to return to it in 2021The Kuomintang, who traded the Nine -in -1 local elections in Taiwan in 2022, was publicly opposed by Jin Yicong.(Internet)

In addition, Mizhima News Network also published a comment article on Thursday that although Jin Jicong is a beyover of all hundreds of battles, it was 10 years ago. At present, Taiwan's election campaignThe way has long been in a "diverse battle" that is very different from the past.

Former Kuomintang legislator Qiu Yi also believes that Jin Yicong was retreating after 2016. In the past seven years, Taiwan has changed too much.The relationship is no longer in a critical position.

Hou Youyi took the cottage this time and invited Jin Yicong out of the mountain.Whether Jin Xiaodao can observe the current situation like Zhuge Liang, set up a good strategy, and use Hou Youyi to play the effect of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang like a fish, which remains to be observed.

However, whether Hou Youyi can fully trust and cooperate with Jin Jiancong's strategy, like Ma Ying -jeou, dares to break his own image burden, open the campaign pattern, and expresses it on major issues. Facing the complex party's political ecology stillTaking the pace of change is probably the key to whether the "horse gold system" effect can be reproduced in 2024.