The Ministry of Ecological and Environment of China is accelerating the construction of various systems and infrastructure, and strives to start the national greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading market as soon as possible to maintain market integrity, fairness and transparency.

According to the surging news report, a spokesman for the Ministry of Environment Liu Youbin said at a regular press conference on Thursday (June 29) that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is accelerating the preparations before the start of the voluntary emission reduction trading market.Work and make positive progress.

Liu Youbin said that it has clearly clarified the main institutional arrangements of the voluntary emission reduction trading market. With the goal of serving the "dual carbon" goal as the fundamental starting point, highlighting the "voluntary" attributes, strengthening market integrity management and information disclosure, and alsoThe management system of voluntary emission reduction transactions (trials) of greenhouse gas, and supporting management systems such as project development and implementation specifications, review and verification rules, etc., will soon solicit opinions on the whole society.

The Ministry of Environment has also basically established an infrastructure required to start the voluntary emission reduction trading market.Organize the construction of a unified national voluntary emission reduction registration system and trading system, and organize the drafting registered registered rules and trading settlement rules.At present, the two systems have completed preliminary acceptance and have the basic conditions for launching.

According to reports, the voluntary emission reduction trading market and the carbon emission right trading market are supplemented to form a complete carbon trading system in China.Promoting the construction of a voluntary emission reduction trading market is conducive to supporting the development of forestry carbon exchange projects, inspiring more extensive industries and enterprises to participate in greenhouse gas emission reduction operations, and promote the achievement of carbon peaks and carbon neutrality.