(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese official Chinese official Chinese official on Wednesday (June 28) attended the promotion ceremony of generals in Beijing on Wednesday (June 28).Ling Huanxin, a political commissar of the Academy of Military Sciences.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, read out the ranking of generals signed by China's official promotion, and He Weidong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, presided over the promotion ceremony.

Chinese officials issued orders to two officers promoted to generals and congratulated them.Li Shangfu, Liu Zhenli, Miao Hua, and Zhang Shengmin, members of the Central Military Commission, and the main heads of the relevant units of the military committees and relevant units in Beijing participated in the promotion ceremony.

Beijing Youth Daily's WeChat "Zhengzhijian" pointed out that the public reports were combined that the two new ups and downs were unveiled in new positions.The third time in the year.In January of this year, Huang Ming, commander of the central theater, was promoted to the rank of General's general; in September last year, Wang Qiang, commander of the Central Northern Aater, was promoted to General General.

Public information shows that 58 -year -old Zheng Xuan is a native of Minhou, Fujian. He used to be a high -gun politician commission in the former Chengdu Military Region and a political commissar stationed in Yunnan., So far.Prior to this, Zheng Xuan had repeatedly implemented emergency and dangerous tasks such as earthquake relief.

61 -year -old Ling Huanxin is a native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu. He was former deputy minister of the Organization Department of the former General Political Department and director of the Army Political Work Department of the Northern Theater.Secretary, was elected as the 20th Central Alternate member of the Communist Party of China in 2022.