Following the "Mouse Duck Neck Incident" in Jiangxi, some netizens have eaten suspected mice in the box lunch in Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Xiushan County, Chongqing.The local official investigation quickly reported that it was true that eating a mouse head was true, and the incident was still under investigation.

According to the surging news report, some netizens posted videos on Tuesday (June 27) and said that the mice were suspected of found in the box lunch in Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Chongqing, and the "konjac duck" became "konjac"mouse".

Box lunch in Chongqing Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalIt was suspected to find a mouse head.The picture shows the "mouse head" found in the food photographer.(Video screenshot)

Video photographers said, "The hospital has found such a disgusting scene, and I hope the relevant departments will strictly investigate and deal with it."

The staff of the Xiushan County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau subsequently responded that they were conducting the investigation with the public security organs and will be announced after the results of the investigation.

It is reported that the local market supervision department led the investigation. The Xiushan County Police did not "take the lunch box" as some media reported, and the lunch box was not at the police.

The staff of the administrative office of the hospital involved said, "We are investigating this matter. This canteen bids through the normal process, not the department of our hospital. It cannot be concluded for the time being because it is still investigating."

The Chongqing Xiushan County Market Supervision Bureau issued a notice that night that the physical objects were seized with relevant departments as soon as possible and investigated and verified.

Xiushan County and Municipal Supervision Bureau determined that the foreign body is a mouse head.How to enter the box lunch and other detailed situations are further verifying and will be announced to the society in a timely manner.