(Beijing Comprehensive News) Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Li Shangfu on Tuesday (June 27) Pan Wenjiang, who visited Vietnam, visited Beijing in Beijing, that China is willing to communicate with Vietnam a high -level communication between the two armies and deepen pragmatic cooperationEssence

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of National Defense, Li Shangfu said that the current international situation is having messy, and the security of the Asia -Pacific region still faces some challenges. China and Vietnam should continue to work together and closely unite together in the new socialist journey to maintain the two countries.Common strategic interests have made positive contributions to regional peace and stability.

In the press release, Pan Wenjiang thanked China for their support and help in China's national liberation and national construction.He said that Yuefang will continue to adhere to the "long -term stability, future -oriented, good -neighborly friendly, comprehensive cooperation" and "good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, good partners" spirit, and develop Vietnam and China for comprehensive strategic cooperation.

One day before the China -Vietnam Defense Ministers, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng held talks on Monday (26th) in Beijing. The two sides agreed to properly control the differences in the South China Sea issue.

Earlier, the United States Lizhi Aircraft Carrier stopped on Sunday (25th) to stop at the Honggang in central Vietnam to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive partnership between the United States and Vietnam.

Reuters reports that when China and the United States are tense in the South China Sea, this is the third time since the Vietnam War has stopped in Poang.

China -Vietnam Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Pei Qingshan also met in Beijing Sunday. Qin Gang called on both parties to strengthen strategic communication, accelerate the development of strategic development, larger the cakes of cooperation, build the foundation of cooperation, and promote the development of the two countries to achieve greater development.Essence