In May, the Chinese new energy vehicle market continued to perform well, and the market penetration rate was steadily increased.

According to the China News Agency, the National Passenger Vehicle Market Information Joint Meeting (referred to as the Federation of Passenger Association) on Tuesday (June 27), 2023, 2023 Automobile Intelligent Network Insight Report, shows that the above trend shows the above trend.Essence

Data show that the sales volume of the Chinese new energy vehicle market in May was 715,000 units, an increase of 12.6%month -on -month, an increase of 60.7%year -on -year, and the penetration rate reached 30%.

Among them, passenger cars were sold for 689,000 units, an increase of 13.2%month -on -month. Commercial vehicle sales were 25,000 units, a decrease of 3.3%month -on -month, an increase of 42.4%year -on -year.

New energy cars account for 49.3%of the overall new energy vehicles, a decrease of 5.8 percentage points from the same period last year; new energy MPV and SUVs have increased significantly year -on -year, with 462%and 81.3%, respectively.New energy MPV is still the fastest growing variety.