When risk becomes the mainstream of Europe and the United States policies in China, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang claims that "dependence and risks" are a pseudo -proposition. He calls on the government and related organizations to evaluate risks for enterprises, let alone de -risk politics.Treasure and ideology.

Li Qiang's speech on Tuesday (June 27) at the World Economic Forum's "2023 New Leaders' Annual Meeting" called for countries to abandon the thinking of zero -sum game and return to the correct track of win -win cooperation.He said: "The world should not or return to each other's isolated and closed state."

This forum held in Tianjin is also known as "Summer Davos", which is the first offline to be held offline after the crown disease epidemic.

Li Qiang said to about 1,500 political and business circles at the opening conference: "Now in the West, some people are speculating so -called dependence and risks. I think that to a certain extent, these two sentences are a pseudo -pseudo -pseudo -pseudoProposition. "

He pointed out that globalization has made the world economy a community of you and you among me. The economies of all countries blend with each other, dependence on each other, achieve each other, and develop together. "This is a good thing, this is not a bad thing."

Li Qiang also called for the risk assessment to the enterprise.He said: "For economic risks and industrial risks, the perception of enterprises is the most sensitive. Enterprises are also the most right to speak. The enterprise should make corresponding judgments and choices."

Li Qiang said that the government and related organizations "should not be more aggressive, let alone the risk expansion, politics, and ideology."

In the past few months, risks, especially in the industrial chain, have not rely on China, and have become a mainstream policy to China in Europe and the United States.Beijing tried his best to reverse this trend and be careful to prevent the evolution of "de -risk" into "going to China".

When Li Qiang visited Europe last week, he also shouted to the German and French political and business leaders on many occasions, emphasizing that cooperation with China is not equal to risks.

However, analysts pointed out that companies will evaluate risks according to policy stability and predictability. The impact of China's sealing measures adopted by China on the supply chain during the crown disease will allow some foreign -funded enterprises to review the risks.

Stephen Dyer, a partner and managing director of the consulting company, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "Compared to the positive experience, we will learn more from negative experience. This isAn unforgettable epidemic ... These lessons have been continuous for many years. One of them is not to rely too much on a single country. Enterprises are now willing to bear more costs to reduce risks. "

Li Qiang: China's second quarter economic growth will be faster than the first quarter

In the nearly half -hour speech, Li Qiang also shouted on confidence in the Chinese economy, saying that the growth rate of China's economy in the second quarter will be faster than the first quarter.Growth goal.

The Chinese economy has achieved 4.5 % growth in the first quarter of this year, but in May, the major macro data such as industrial added value and the total retail sales of social consumer goods are not ideal, showing that the Chinese economic recovery that has been highly hoped is not as expected.International banks such as JP Morgan, UBS, and Goldman Sachs have also lowered this year's Chinese economic expectations this year.

In terms of policy, Li Qiang promises that China will launch more and more effective and pragmatic measures in terms of expanding domestic demand potential, activating market vitality, and promoting high levels of opening up.

Although the details of these measures have not been explained, he emphasized that China ’s“ completely confident and capable ”promoted the Chinese economy on a high -quality track in a long cycle.

Li Qiang said: "This will continue to expand the size of the market, create opportunities for cooperation, provide a steady stream of motivation for the recovery and growth of the world economy, and provide mutual benefit and win -win cooperation opportunities for investors in various countries."

When it comes to the prospects of China's economy, Dai Jiahui believes that the fundamentals of the Chinese economy are optimistic, but there are many factors that will control the future trends, including geopolitical factors.He said: "Hope the situation will improve, and many people are waiting to see signs of improvement."