Chinese President Xi Jinping said to Vietnam's Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng in Beijing that China and Vietnam should jointly oppose the "detachable chain" and oppose the generalization of economic and scientific and technological issues for the construction of modernization of the two countries.Peaceful and stable external environment.

According to the China News Agency, Xi Jinping appeared in the Great Hall of the People on Tuesday (June 27) in the afternoon of the Great Hall of the People.Accompanying Xi Jinping's attending the meeting was also Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office.

Xi Jinping said that this year is the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam. The exchanges of each level of the two countries are becoming increasingly closer. The consensus reached by the General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party of China is being implemented.China ’s Vietnam is the priority direction of surrounding diplomacy and a strategic community of destiny. This is a strategic choice made by China’ s long -term development of China ’s relationship between the two countries.

Xi Jinping said that in the face of the increasingly severe and complex international situation, China and Vietnam must adhere to the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, unity and mutual cooperation, and win -win cooperation.stability.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Vietnam are also socialist countries. They are highly trustworthy comrades, mutually beneficial and win -win partners, and friends who know each other.The two sides should deepen the exchanges of the party's governance and government, adhere to the concept of the people's supremacy, and firmly support the other party to follow the socialist path that meets their national conditions and the modern paths with their own characteristics.

At the same time, the two sides should build the “Belt and Road” initiative to strengthen the development of strategic development, exert complementary advantages, and accelerate pragmatic cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, smart customs, and green energy.China is willing to import more Vietnamese products that are suitable for the road. Vietnam is welcome to actively participate in the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum and China International Import Expo in the second half of this year.The two sides should enrich human cultural exchanges, promote the social foundation of the people of the two countries, especially the younger generation, and build the development of the relationship between the two countries.

Xi Jinping also pointed out that the two sides should jointly oppose the "detachable chain", oppose generalization of economic and scientific and technological issues, safeguard international fairness and justice and their own development rights, and promote the international order in a more fair and reasonable direction.Development to create a peaceful and stable external environment for the modernization of the two countries.

According to Yue Tong News Agency, Fan Mingzheng said that the development of health, sustainability and long -term relationships with China has always been a strategic choice for Vietnam's independence, multilateralization, and diversification of external routes.He stated that Vietnam adhered to a China principle, focused on various global initiatives proposed by China, and was willing to discuss these initiatives.