China Video Website Bilibili Animation (Station B) will use the number of playback minutes to replace the number of playback times as the video display data.

Comprehensive Sina Technology and Observer Network reported that Chen Rui, chairman and CEO of station B, Chen Rui, on Monday (June 26) on the 14th anniversary of station B.The above news.

Chen Rui said that the number of playback minutes can more reflect the quality of the video than the number of playback times. As the technology matures, Station B is now capable of counting the number of minutes.Users have a better reference."The plan will be updated in the next few weeks."

When the user clicks the video, the playback data is an important reference index.The number of playbacks reflects the number of times the user clicks in to watch the video, which often cannot represent the situation of real consumption videos. For example, some users click in 10 seconds to quit, but some users watch 40 minutes.The number of playback minutes was ignored in the long -term statistics. reports that this reform is not only one of the most important adjustments and changes in station B in 14 years, but also represents the recent incidents such as the recent UP owner (uploaded video) to stop more storms and other incidents.The major optimization of itself is a major benefit to the traditional mid -length video ecological creators.

Chen Rui said that helping UP Lord's income at station B is the most real service for UP Lord.Chen Rui announced a set of data: In 2022, the revenue of the UP was 28%compared with the previous year. The number of UPs who received revenue in the first quarter of this year reached 1.5 million, an increase of 50%year -on -year.

After the news was announced by station B, many creators welcomed it. Some market sources said: "This may help increase the degree of communication between medium and long video, and the trend of correction algorithm towards short videos, which also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates that B also indicates BThe station followed the impact of short videos on the community and made attempts. But the follow -up effect still needs to be observed. "