South Korean media reports that although Korean -China relations have recently cooled down, exchanges between local governments between the two countries have continued.

According to the Yonhap News Agency reported on June 28, Zhongtai Qin, awareness of Zhongqingnan Road, visited China from June 27 to July 4, and will discuss with China to restore local diplomacy and investment promotion.

Jin Taiqin will visit Beijing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Shanghai and Hangzhou, sign an investment agreement with smartphone manufacturers and secondary battery equipment manufacturers., And will meet with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng to discuss cooperation.

In addition, the Mayor of Incheon, Liu Zhengfu, also flew to China Tianjin to attend the Summer Davos Forum.Since Incheon and Tianjin City have maintained close cooperation and exchanges since December 1993.

It is reported that the administrative head of local government in South Korea generally believes that it should continue to promote local governments and civilians with China to reduce the uncertainty of the development of bilateral relations.

South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chief Park Zhen said on the 25th of this month on the 25th of the Yonhap News Agency, and said that it will continue to strengthen strategic communication to enhance the friendship between South Korea and China.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded the next day that it was hoped that the Korean side and China would work to work hard to promote the return of the two countries to the healthy development track.