The latest data released by China show that the decline in profit decline in industrial enterprises in May continued to narrow.

The National State Statistics Bureau announced on Wednesday (June 28) that the data showed that the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size in May (RMB, the same below, about 118.8 billion yuan), a decrease year -on -year decreased year -on -year decrease12.6%, a decrease of 5.6 percentage points from April, narrowing for three consecutive months.

From January to May, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size of the country was 266.889 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 18.8%, and the decrease was 1.8 percentage points narrowed from January to April.

Among them, the manufacturing industry has gradually increased with the various policies and measures that promote its development, and the profit has improved significantly.The profit of the automobile manufacturing industry has increased by 1.02 times.The electrical machinery industry is driven by new energy products such as photovoltaic equipment and lithium -ion batteries, and its profit increases by 27.3%.

Sun Xiao, the Statistical Department of the China National Bureau of Statistics, analyzed: "Overall, the profit of industrial enterprises continues to recover, but it must be seen that the external environment is more complicated and serious, and the domestic demand is still insufficient.Restore the profitability of enterprises to restore the profit, and the foundation of the benefits of industrial enterprises is still not firm. "

Bloomberg reports that the decline in corporate profits may continue to target the inadequate corporate confidence.However, the Chinese government still expressed confidence in the economy. Prime Minister Li Qiang said on Tuesday (June 27) that China is expected to achieve about 5%of the growth goals set at the beginning of the year.