In the year of college graduation, Jiang Wenxin made a decision to make other students look great: I went to work in the coffee chain store Starbucks.

The Department of Vocal in Jiang Wenxin, part of the same graduate chose to study graduate students, and some of them teach in education and training institutions.But these two ways are not ideal to him: "The tuition fees for music are too expensive, and there is no condition in the family to support the study.Find other jobs in the city, take a step by step. "

Jiang Wenxin currently pays 4,000 yuan (RMB, S $ 750) per month, and is only enough to barely pay the rent in Shanghai. Fortunately, he can live in relatives' house and save the expenses.During the Lianhe Zaobao interview, the 23 -year -old young man admitted that he even considered a takeaway rider, but the market was also close to saturation."Now the environment is not good, it is really difficult to find a job."

Like Jiang Wenxin, college students who graduated this year, spent more than half of their campus career in the school.They just walked out of the three -year crown disease and hit the "most difficult employment season" -the 11.58 million graduates of the historically high. The previous graduates who had to delay the job hunting were affected by the

/> The gap between
The gap between the number of Chinese college graduates and the number of new employment people in cities and towns has narrowed year by year, and the employment pressure of fresh graduates has continued to increase.(Morning Post Chart)

On the one hand, it is an unprecedented high employment needs, and on the other hand, it is a slow economic momentum.The competition for job hunting under the imbalance of supply and demand is becoming more and more fierce, and even famous colleges and universities are under pressure.

Tongji University where Yu Min (pseudonym) is located is one of the top universities in Shanghai.But the road to job hunting of this master of environmental engineering is not smooth.The increase in the number of graduates year by year has increased the threshold for recruitment.

Yu Min introduced that undergraduate and master's degree in the "Double 9" students studying at the "985 Engineering" university (39 universities in China) will receive the first batch of interview invitations; the second batch is "211 211Students who are undergraduate and "985" master's degree in engineering "universities in China (the best universities in China); then the job seekers who are university and" 985 "such as" double non -985 and 211) such as Yu Min and "Essence"Many large enterprises are usually full in the second batch, and state -owned enterprises and state -owned enterprises basically require the 'Double 9' academic qualifications. We are often sinking from the sea."

After investing in 60 or 70 resumes, Yu Min finally entered a state -owned enterprise in office.She said that the newly established state -owned enterprise had no old state -owned enterprise high in academic qualifications, and she was able to "go through the level."

In addition to the internal scroll of academic qualifications, the repeated epidemic has also caused more obstacles to the fresh graduates.Yu Min recalled that the president of the school was closed for a while last year, and it was difficult for employers to enter the school to recruit, and students could not leave school for internships."I heard that friends in other cities were accepted during the internship, or companies could not recruit them in Shanghai. When they were recruited in other areas, everyone was very anxious."

Epidemium impacts private enterprise recruitment capabilities

The epidemic not only disrupted the job search plan of college students, but also directly impacted their main force -private enterprises.According to data from Zhilian, the recruitment platform shows that during the employment of college students in 2022, private enterprises' recruitment of college students fell by 20.3%year -on -year.The active enterprise users directly hired by the job search website BOSS have decreased from 4.1 million in the first quarter of last year to 3.6 million at the end of the year, indicating that more than 10 % of companies cancel or suspend the recruitment.

At the same time, the three industries of the Internet, teaching and training and real estate of more than half of their posts have also been provided for fresh graduates.Newly employed college students were destroyed or dismissed.The research report from the Development Research Center of the State Council of China pointed out that from July 2021 to May 2022, 2020 and 2021 college students who resigned from the Internet, education and real estate industries were 30%, 30%, and 19 respectively year -on -year growth rates, respectively.%.

Blue -collar enterprises are sorrowful for lack of people

While unable to find a job, some companies are worried about lack of people.Liu Chao, an anchor of the label on the short video platform "Kuaishou", said in an interview that many new energy battery companies have recently recruited employees and require their degree or above."Although the company hopes that the higher the employee's degree, the better, but there are not many college students who come to apply for. Most people are unwilling to enter the factory as a blue -collar worker."

There are too many college students and too few blue -collar workers, which not only leads to structural unemployment problems, but also limits China's economic development.The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China predicts that by 2025, the manufacturing labor gap will reach 30 million people.

In the face of the severe employment situation, "Kong Yiji Literature" is popular in the world, and self -deprecating has a education degree but cannot find a way out.Official media CCTV News commented that the reason why Kong Yiji got into the dilemma of life was because he couldn't let the scholars' shelves, and did not want to change his situation by labor.

The biggest problem with the employment market Scholars: weak economic growth

Lu Xi, an assistant professor at the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, pointed out in an interview that the employment of college students is difficult to have the structural reasons for skill mismatch, but it is not "putting down the shelf" to alleviate.

He said: "Many college students have entered the Internet car and takeaway riding industry, causing the market to accelerate saturation. When they get off the factories and construction sites, the direct consequence is to lower the industry's average salary."

Lu Xi believes that the biggest problem in the current employment market is insufficient demand for the supply side caused by weak economic growth and expected investment expectations.In addition, in the past three years, the epidemic blockade has disrupted the rhythm of the employment market, which has led a large number of graduates to postpone the post -labor market.The backlog employment needs have begun to concentrate this year, and it is expected to last a long time.

"If you have to give any suggestions for your current college students, you can work first, don't expect the situation to improve after two or three years."

Jiang Wenxin lamented that when everyone was in a mind, they went to the undergraduate, and they found out that college students were not worthy of money.If he can come again, he will even consider studying vocational schools in order to have a skill.

Speaking of which, he talked: "But I am also into a large enterprise. As long as I work hard, I will have the opportunity to be promoted to the store manager and regional manager. Compared to those students who are still watching, at least meFirst took off the 'Kong Yiji's gown'. "