At the time of the new high of the youth unemployment rate in China, the official media said that the employment situation has improved overall, causing the folk to question the authenticity of the unemployment data data.The analysis believes that there is a loophole in China's unemployment statistical method that is disconnected from reality, and it needs to be further improved.

The Chinese Official Media People's Daily on Saturday (June 17) in the front version of the article, listing employment measures in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hubei, and Chongqing, referring to the implementation of the preferred employment priority policies of various departments this year, and active active employment policies.Copy the pressure and structural contradictions of total employment.

The report entitled to implement the priority of employment and employment preferred policies in May that the national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.2%in May, which was the same as last month.The monthly decline, the "employment policy has continued to show its effectiveness, and the employment situation has improved overall."

According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Thursday, the unemployment rate of labor survey from 25 to 59 has decreased from 4.2 % in April to 4.1 % in May.However, the unemployment rate of labor surveys from 16 to 24 rose to 20.8 % in May, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from April, and reached a record high since it was a record.

The National Bureau of Statistics, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics, was asked at the press conference how the unemployment rate data was statistics and whether it could reflect the real situation of young people in accordance with the statistical standards of international labor organizations.The above population is divided into employment, unemployment and non -labor.Among them, the employment population refers to one hour or more to work for labor remuneration or operating income within one week, and temporarily leave the job due to vacation and temporary stop work.

The topic of "working one hour and above is employment" and then appeared on Weibo hot search.Some netizens ridiculed: "Save the unemployment rate depends on the statistical department."Some people believe that even with such low standards, the youth unemployment rate has exceeded the historical record, "how serious the real situation is."

Disputes on the statistical method of China's unemployment rate have long been in the academic world.Wang Mingyuan, a researcher at the Beijing Reform and Development Research Association, wrote earlier this month that the United States stipulates that it will work for 15 hours a week to calculate employment. France requires 20 hours a week. The employment definition of China every Monday is significantly lower than international standards, resulting in official dataIt doesn't match the people.

Wang Mingyuan further explained that China ’s lowest hourly salary is 21 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 4 S $ 4). One hour of work means only 3 yuan per day, which is far lower than the United Nations 1.9 US dollars (about 2.6 new new new NAYuan) Daily minimum living expenditure standards cannot be regarded as effective employment that can solve life problems.

Zeng Xiangquan, director of the China Institute of Employment, Renmin University of China, also pointed out in an interview with the Economic Observation Network last month that China's youth unemployment rate and international data have a certain difference, and it cannot be simply compared.He said that the main problem of China has always been the high employment rate and low wages, and the problem of "poor people" in the work is generally in the work, that is, inadequate employment (UnderempLoyment, Singapore calls "not sufficient employment").

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. In the context of high attention to the unemployment of youth in the whole society, the official statement aroused the rebound of public opinion and exposed the current unemployment statistics statistics.Methods disconnected from reality.

Tang Renwu believes that some of the standards of international labor organizations do not conform to the reality of Chinese society, especially when the Chinese social security system needs to be improved; blindly copying is not only difficult to reflect reality, but also not conducive to the improvement of the status quo."There are many people's views this year that the unemployment rate has been underestimated. Officials should take this opportunity to improve statistical methods and improve unemployment protection."

Zeng Xiangquan said that the observation of the labor market is a very complicated issue, but at present, China only has the data released by investigating the unemployment rate."If you can observe the detailed indicators of the labor market, our judgment on the employment situation may be more accurate, and the formulation of employment policies will be more scientific and effective."