(Beijing Bloomberg) China will allow domestic companies to import Australian coal, indicating that Australian coal imports that last for more than two years have ended.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that China Port and Customs have been informed of the opening of Australian coal imports.Earlier, people familiar with the matter said that the China National Development and Reform Commission planned to first allow four state -owned enterprises to import Australian coal in early January.

Chinese steel companies and power plants have a strong demand for high -quality Australian coal.According to the China Coal Transport and Sales Association, in the first half of March, coal imported from Australia could reach 1 million tons.

China was originally the main consumer of Australian coal, but because of the deterioration of the relationship between the two countries, China was not allowed to import Australian coal at the end of 2020.

Australian leaders have said that ending the ban will be an important step in the improvement of relations between the two countries.

China is the world's largest coal production country and consumer country, and its imports reached 290 million tons last year.