Fidelity International research shows that real estate sales activities in first -tier cities in China have rebounded, but consumption confidence is still unknown.

According to the Sing Tao Daily Daily (March 14), the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, Miao Zimei, director of the stock research director of Fidelity International Asia Pacific, whether it is the official data of China or the field observation of Fidelity, it shows that in the first -tier cities in ChinaThe real estate market has signs of turning active.

Data show that the sales prices of second -hand housing in first -tier cities have fallen from 0.5%from December last year to 0.4%in January this year.In recent weeks, the market conditions in the real estate market have also been significantly heating up. The number of visitors of the newly -held demonstration units in the period has increased, and some new markets have also been sold out within 24 hours after sale.

Although the real estate market in high -level cities is expected to continue to heat up, whether this trend can spread to lower -line cities is still too early.The Chinese government needs to further stimulate demand and provide more support for home buyers to promote the increase in residential transactions in cities across the line compared with last year.

Miao Zimei said that the current situation of the real estate market in first -tier cities is not enough to prove the recovery of the overall Chinese real estate market.There are signs of warming the real estate market.

She believes that real estate is still the main driving force of the Chinese economy. Since economic growth is affected by the epidemic, China has begun to loosen the purchase restriction order in some cities last year and relaxes the financing restrictions of real estate developers.Recently, the property prices in first -tier and second -tier cities are now signs of improvement. To drive the overall real estate market to continue, it is necessary to make potential buyers have enough confidence to use huge savings accumulated during the epidemic.

The central government of the Chinese government emphasizes the need to prevent the disorderly expansion of housing companies and promote the steady development of the real estate industry.Miao Zimei pointed out that in the long run, Chinese residential demand will decline with the changes in the population. Last year, the Chinese population has shrunk for the first time in more than 60 years.This may lead to a greater gap between the credit rating of large and small and medium -sized real estate companies. In this regard, private real estate companies will continue to inferior to state -owned real estate companies. State -owned real estate developers are more likely to obtain financing, and they are more capable of giving real estate people to enter the market to enter the market.confidence.