China's share in South Korea ’s science and technology exports has fallen to the lowest level in more than 13 years, indicating that China’ s dependence on Korean advanced products has decreased at the time of global trade flow.

According to Bloomberg, data released by the South Korean government on Tuesday (March 14) showed that China accounted for 40%of the exports of scientific and technological products in South Korea in February, lower than 44.9%of the same period last year.Numbers include exports to Hong Kong.

Although China is still the largest buyer of Korean semiconductor and display products, with Beijing's development of high -tech manufacturing under the goal of Beijing's technology self -reliance, China's share in South Korea has beendecline.

The trade and diplomatic tensions between China and South Korea's key allies in the United States have also become more cautious about expanding trade with Beijing.

Hi Investment Securities Park Sang-Hyun said in a research report that the U.S. and other regions have increased in the exports of South Korea.South Korea's investment in the United States has increased, so it requires more Korean products.

He said that China's epidemic prevention and sealing may also lead to a decrease in imports from South Korea, but long -term analysis shows that this trend may continue.Sino -US competition upgrade may further export South Korea's technology equipment for China.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Korea, Li Changzhang, said last month that if the demand is concentrated in the intermediate product supplied by consumer goods instead of South Korea, then the reopening of China will not be beneficial to South Korea.

South Korea's trade data shows that the prospects are still challenging, and exports to China have decreased by 29%year -on -year as of February.Data show that the exports of computers, monitors and rechargeable batteries have declined.