The Chairman of the EU Executive Committee Feng Delin said that the European Union hopes to avoid relying on China in the economy, but does not want the EU economy to completely decompose to China, but pursue a fair competitive environment.

According to a report by AFP on Tuesday (March 14), Feng Delin said in an interview with the "European News Editors" project organization: "For the European Union, the elimination of eliminates from ChinaThe risk is important, but it is not to be "decoupled '."

She said that eliminating risks means that the EU does not want to rely on China in key raw materials, just like European in the past relying on fossil fuelEssenceTherefore, Europe is a diversified layout and cooperates with like -minded partners to consolidate the supply chain.

Feng Delin emphasized that Europe wants a fair competitive environment.European companies must be able to enter the Chinese market fairly, the subsidy system must be transparent, and it must also clearly promise to respect intellectual property rights.

Feng Delin met with US President Biden last week. The two announced that they would start the US and Europe negotiations. The purpose of the opening of EU manufacturers will be used for electric vehicle batteries under the new green economic stimulus plan in the United States.Mineral exports to the United States.Their joint statement is a small step to solve the disadvantages of cross -Atlantic trade, but at the same time, the United States is mobilizing the allies to form a line against China.

There are differences in the way of dealing with the deadlock in the EU, and some countries are worried that they will be dragged into the opposition between China and the United States.Some EU officials expressed their dissatisfaction in private, and believed that Feng Delin might sign a statement without the opinions of other member states. Even though the current statement was simply promised to make more consultations.

A official said that when talking about the topic related issues of the European Union, Feng Delin should obtain "authorization" by a member state.However, Feng Delin emphasized in the conversation that Europe just wants to reduce its economic dependence on China as much as possible, and it is not to choose the side station in a confrontation.