People familiar with the matter said that China has allowed all domestic companies to import Australian coal, marking that the trade restrictions implemented from 2020 have ended.

According to Bloomberg News on Tuesday (March 14), earlier this year, the Chinese government replaced four major importers to buy Australian coal and began transportation in January.Today, Chinese Customs has been told that all Australian coal can be imported in China.

China is the world's largest coal production country and consumer country, and high -quality Australian coal is highly welcomed by Chinese steel manufacturers and power plants.According to the Chinese coal lobbying group, in the first half of March, China's imports of Australian coal may reach 1 million tons.Last year, China's coal imports exceeded 290 million tons.

China Australia has always been close trading partners, but in recent years, due to China's expansion in the Indo -Pacific region, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and the traceability of crown diseases are stiff, the relationship between the two countries has fallen into the bottom.China has implemented trade restrictions on Australia's coal, wine, cotton, etc. in May 2020, and suspended all activities under the strategic economic dialogue mechanism of China -Australia in May 2021.

However, since the Australian Prime Minister Albanis took office in May last year, China -Australia relations have recovered.Albanis has also said many times that the cancellation of trade ban between Australia and China is a key step in restoring relations between the two countries.