A comprehensive assessment report on the British government on Monday (March 13) of the British Government (March 13) will position the comprehensive assessment of security, defense, development and foreign policy policies to position China as "epoch -making challenges"., Criticizing China, Hong Kong, and Xinjiang, criticized China, and a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in the UK responded that the relevant report was to discredit China, and China expressed strong dissatisfaction.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy's official website on the official website of the British embassy, the spokesman for the China Embassy said that the relevant reports of the British party rendered the so -called Chinese challenges and attacked China to discredit. China strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed it.

A spokesman said that for countries, China is an epoch -making opportunity, not a challenge.China adheres to the path of peaceful development, firmly pursues independent peace foreign policies, and is committed to developing friendly and cooperative relations with various countries on the basis of mutual respect, equality, and interference in the internal affairs.The contributor, the maintenanceer of the international order.

The spokesman emphasized that Taiwan is an indispensable part of China's territory. To achieve the complete unity of China is the firm will of all the Chinese people and the general trend.How to solve the Taiwan issue is what the Chinese themselves have, and no foreign countries have no right to interfere.China will continue to achieve the maximum sincerity to achieve the peaceful unity of the motherland, while retaining options to adopt all necessary measures.No one should underestimate the strong determination, determination and strong ability of the Chinese government and the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

As for Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Tibet, the spokesman reiterated that these are Chinese internal affairs. China has resolutely opposed any country to interfere with China's internal affairs in any form and excuse.

On the issue of sea -related, a spokesman pointed out that China ’s determination to safeguard national territorial sovereignty and marine rights is unswerving, and at the same time, he is willing to continue to deal with relevant countries properly through negotiating negotiations.Regardless of whether any external forces are involved in the situation of the East China Sea and the South China Sea, it will only bring unnecessary interference to the peace and tranquility of the region, and it does not meet the interests of countries in the region.

The spokesman reminded British that only by adhering to the correct recognition of China, adhering to mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and win -win cooperation can Sino -British relations develop healthy and stable.China urges the British to correct its mentality, abandon ideological prejudice and cold war thinking, stops political manipulation in China, stops interference in China's internal affairs, and maintains the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations with actual actions.