U.S. President Bynden on Monday (March 13) revealed that after the announcement of the nuclear -powered submarine project reached with Australia and the United Kingdom, he expected to talk to Chinese President Xi Jinping soon, but he refused to disclose disclosureTime to call.

According to Reuters, Bayeng held a joint press conference together at the San Diego Naval Base in California and the Australian Prime Minister Albanis and British Prime Minister Sunak on Monday to announce the Australian Britain, Britain, and the United States.Details of the AUKUS nuclear power submarine project.

When asked whether China would be worried that China would treat this submarine project as aggression, Biden replied "no".Next, he was asked if he would soon talk to Xi Jinping, and Biden said "yes", but refused to answer the question of when the two talked.

Bayeng said in mid -February this year that he expected to talk to Xi Jinping on a high air balloon over the United States in China, but no two people have made a call so far.

The US White House National Security Consultant Sarawan said last week that the United States hopes to re -establish regular communication with China. Biden is also expected to have a certain time and time and time after the end of the National Two Sessions of China (the National CPPCC)Xi Jinping talks.

Salavin said that competition between China and the United States requires dialogue and diplomacy, and the United States encourages China to establish a routine communication mode with senior officials in the United States.When asked when Biden might talk to Xi Jinping, Salvin said that after the Chinese government, including the Chinese government, and the state president, return to Beijing to work, Biden may have the opportunity to talk to Xi Jinping.

Quote from the Wall Street Journal, saying that Xi Jinping plans to hold talks with Ukraine President Zelezki in a video form.Sarawin said that the United States has always encouraged the two to talk to so that China can not only hear Russia's point of view on Russia and Ukraine's conflict, but Ukraine has not proved whether the internships and Zellegski will talk.