(Beijing Comprehensive News) It is reported that China's official plan will meet with Russian President Putin as soon as possible next week.After that, Chinese officials will talk with the Ukrainian President Zeisky for the first time after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.

Reuters on Monday (March 13) quoted sources who did not want to be named. Chinese official plans to go to the Russian capital Moscow and Putin as soon as possible.This trip was at least one month earlier than the outside world's previous expectations. It is expected that the Chinese official visited the first visit after the Chinese official entered the third term of the State President.

Putin received Wang Yi, director of the CPC Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last month, stated that he looked forward to the official visit to China.After that, the Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese officials could visit in April or May this year.Russia reported on January 30 that Putin has invited Chinese officials to visit Russia this spring.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to the official Chinese interview with Moscow, and the Cremlin Palace in Russia also refused to comment on the matter.

On the occasion of China's official plan to visit Russia, China issued a stance statement in the first anniversary of the Russian crisis last month, expressing its willingness to contribute to Ukraine peace and create conditions for restarting negotiations.But in view of China's diplomatic support for Russia, this move was questioned by Western countries and Ukraine.

According to the Wall Street Journal, sources said that after the Chinese official visit to Moscow, he will also have a video conference with Zellezki.Some analysts pointed out that this reflects Beijing's more positive role in mediation in the Russia and Ukraine crisis.

Sources said that China's official trip may also visit several European countries.