Zhang Wenhong, a professor at Huashan Hospital of China Infectious Diseases Medical Center, said that when talking about the epidemic, grass -roots medical staff assumed a lot of anti -epidemic work, and they were the key forces to get out of the epidemic.Phase is a good opportunity for China to strengthen the grass -roots health system.

According to the report of the above view, Zhang Wenhong is a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.NPC2023 "> First Session of the Fourteenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference The first" member channel "collective interview activity said that in the past three years, everyone has worked hard in the epidemic.The epidemic caused some harm. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adjusted the epidemic prevention policy due to the situation and avoided several waves of epidemic situation with a very high level of impression. This is the key reason for everyone to get out of the epidemic.

Zhang Wenhong also said that in the past three years, he is very grateful to the people's great contributions, especially everyone has always understood medical workers very much. Many people are very considerate for the hard work of medical workers.It is the result of everyone's efforts to get out of this epidemic.Especially one month before the Spring Festival this year, the epidemic was very severe and stressful. He and his team and many experts in Shanghai went to the community health service center with relatively weak epidemic prevention and control.Later, he discovered that grass -roots medical staff assumed a lot of anti -epidemic work, and they were the key forces to get out of the epidemic.

Zhang Wenhong also mentioned in detail the cases encountered during the tour in Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, and firmly strengthened his determination to further enhance the ability to build the medical system of the community health service center.He said that tens of thousands of community medical workers can work together with the people to get out of the epidemic.If you can mobilize the community's sanitary forces more efficiently, you can make more critical patients in the community get better treatment in the early days.

Zhang Wenhong believes that it has entered the stage of easement of the epidemic, which is a good opportunity for the country to strengthen the grass -roots health system. Everyone has accumulated a lot of experience, and the institutional mechanism is constantly improving.Facing the future, hoping to create a more relaxed hierarchical diversion system, the entire medical system will be more flexible and tough.