Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that in order to maintain the peace of Taiwan, we must firmly adhere to a Chinese principle.The Mainland Council has called on this in mainland China to improve cross -strait relations.

中国外交部官网公布,王毅星期六(2月18日)在慕尼黑安全会议上发表讲话时说,在台湾问题上违背一个中国原则,制造“一中一台”“两"This is China", no matter what packaging is, it is a serious violation of the integrity of Chinese territory, "it is also a realistic threat to peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."

After answering questions on the Taiwan question, Wang Yi emphasized that Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times. It has never been a country, nor can it be a country."It is not us who wants to change this situation, but the split forces of‘ Taiwan independence ’. The“ Taiwan independence 'behavior is not tolerant of the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. To maintain the peace of Taiwan, we must resolutely oppose the ‘Taiwan independence’ and must be firmly pursued by a China principle. ”

Wang Yi said that on the issue of Ukraine, all parties emphasized that they must maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity.This principle on the Taiwan issue must also adhere to this principle, resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and cannot achieve double standards on major issues.

The MAC expressed a serious protest on Wang Yi's remarks, emphasizing that the status quo of the Taiwan Strait is that the cross -strait is not affiliated with each other, not a Chinese principle, and referring to the dwarf Taiwan through this principle.

The MAC said in the press release: "Taiwan is never part of the People's Republic of China, let alone the future."

Russia's aggression also called on mainland China to adjust its threat to Taiwan, and responsiblely maintain regional security and pragmatic rationality to improve cross -strait relations.