Since the Ministry of Education adjusted the Certification Rules of Cross -border Remote Dipping at the end of January, the era of "study abroad" of Chinese students has ended. With the start of universities in various countries, Chinese students are also accelerating the return of offline study life.

According to the China News Agency on Sunday (February 19), the new semester of popular study abroad in the United States and Canada has opened, and the new semester of Australia, the United Kingdom and other countries is also concentrated in 2From the month to March.In order to return to the campus on time, the time for Chinese students to go through the procedures for going abroad is very tight, and visas, rental, etc. have all become a realistic issue of "crowding" together.

As of late February, there are still Chinese students waiting for study certificates of overseas universities. This is an indispensable document for visas.Some schools replied to email that too many applicants have caused backlogs.

According to the southern weekend report, many Australian universities have stated to international students that they are willing to provide the required certification materials.Taking the University of New South Wales as an example, the school said that it is promulgating the support of Chinese students who are being adjusted by the regulations. The specific plan will be announced in the next few weeks.

When the crown disease epidemic in 2020 forces many universities in the world to add lines, the Chinese Ministry of Education adjusts the regulations that clarifying that the online course will not affect the degree certification of overseas students.After that, although many countries have opened back and forth teaching, China has always maintained a strict epidemic prevention and control policy, so this provision has also been retained.

After China began to implement the "Class B Tube" policy on the crown disease on January 8 this year, China Study Abroad Network issued an announcement on January 28.The country (border) foreign diploma certificate obtained by remote ways will no longer provide certification services.This provision includes new admission and continuing learning.

The official also issued an announcement announcement announcement. It is clear that students can continue to go online during the process of going abroad and return to school.The answer also mentioned that if there are special reasons, it is impossible to return to school, such as the visa is not visited in a timely manner, the flight cancellation, the dormitory cannot be reserved, or the school policy does not allow the selected learning mode, transformed into offline learning, etc., all need to be required.Keep the relevant certification materials so that the certification center is evaluated in the form of a case.In addition, international students who were influenced by the Russian and Ukraine War were not affected by the adjustment of this regulation.