A new round of medical insurance reform in China is rolling.Many people believe that the balance of the account after the reform of the medical insurance has become less, and then question the fairness of the new policy.In the past few days, the medical insurance bureaus across China have issued a policy interpretation to respond to questioning and dissatisfaction.

According to top news reports, the two groups with strong response to this medical insurance reform were retirees and flexible employees.Most retired elderly people suffer from chronic diseases. They often take medicine and take medicines. They are more sensitive to personal medical insurance accounts. They directly feel the problems of personal accounts and reimbursement thresholds. Flexible employees in some places do not directly establish personal accounts, and their psychological gaps are large.

Relatively speaking, young people pay less attention to changes in medical insurance reform due to low frequency of medical treatment.The reporter contacted the three state -owned enterprise employees of Wuhan City, and they did not pay attention to changes in medical insurance.

Faced with the controversy, the Wuhan Medical Insurance Bureau of Hubei Province responded on February 9 that the reason for the reform was the previous coordinated fund to ensure the hospitalization and outpatient disease."It is not enough to spend, and it can't be used on the disease."On the one hand, more than 60%of personal accounts in the city are lying on the accounts of young and healthy people; on the other hand, personal accounts for retirement and people with illness are not enough, and the outpatient individuals have a heavy burden on their own at their own expense.

For employees who participated in the insurance employees, "the personal account has been divided into less and suffered losses." Wuhan Medical Insurance Bureau responded that after the reform, from the current period, most of the personal accounts of the insured employees are scheduled.In the long run, all insured employees have increased the general outpatient treatment that they did not have before, especially the sick people and the elderly have benefited more.

In addition, on February 6, relevant persons of Xi'an Medical Security Bureau responded that after the reform, the newly added number of personal accounts was reduced, but it did not mean that individuals would suffer.First of all, after the reform, the payment burden of participants is unchanged, and the historical accumulation of personal accounts remains unchanged. It is still used by personal use. It can also be used between family members.Participants.This reform not only did not affect the previous treatment of the insured, but also added general outpatient treatment.

In April 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued a guidance on establishing and improving the support mechanism of the basic medical insurance clinic for employees.Subsequently, supportive implementation opinions were introduced in various places and implemented.

For the logic behind this round of medical insurance reform, the founder and executive chairman of the Shanghai Chuangqi Health Research Institute, the former China -Europe International Business School visiting professor, and the former director of the Central European Health Management and Policy Center, said, China, ChinaWhen setting up employee medical insurance, learning Singapore's experience is divided into shared accounts and personal accounts.This is a problem with the history of history, that is, China has established a personal account prematurely when China is not economically developed and medical insurance funds are not sufficient, and a small part of the money is diverted out, and it does not have the risk of participation in insurance.From a nationwide perspective, the problem of closer balance of personal medical insurance accounts and shared accounts has been caused, which means that the volume of personal account balance is quite large.

But because there are hundreds of medical insurance funds in various places in China, and the lack of unified medical insurance management institutions in the country, the plates of medical insurance funds are scattered.This may have a balance of shared accounts that have been collected by economically developed areas, but deficits appear in shared plates in the underdeveloped places.

To solve this problem, Cai Jiangnan said that the government and experts have always considered how to mobilize the money in the personal account and participate in the risk sharing.There are already different attempts in various places, such as Shanghai allows personal accounts to pay long -term care insurance.There are also places to pay for Huimin Insurance, buy medicines in pharmacies, and allow money for personal accounts to share in the family.

The current problem is caused by historical reasons, and it cannot be canceled at one time, because it will cause dissatisfaction to touch the existing interests of the people.Directly reducing the investment in personal accounts will cause a sense of psychology of the insured person. With less money, everyone will think that their cheese is passive.