China National Drug Administration has the conditions to approve the two domestic small molecular crown disease oral medication.

According to the announcement issued on Sunday (January 29), the official website of the China Drug Administration, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Drug Management Law, the State Drug Administration shall conduct emergency review and approval in accordance with the special approval procedures for the drug.

According to the announcement, the two drugs approved this time are a type of innovative drugs declared by Hainan Xianmou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Xian Nuoxin), and a class of innovative drug hydromodium hydromodine (commodity name: people's dedication) and the application of a type of innovative drugs declared by Shanghai Wangshi Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd..

Announcement stated that the above two drugs were treated with oral small molecular crown disease and used to treat adult patients with mild moderate crown disease infections. Patients should be used in strict accordance with the instructions under the guidance of the doctor.

The announcement also said that the State Drug Administration requires the listing of the listing permits to continue to carry out relevant research work, complete the requirements for attached conditions within a time limit, and submit subsequent research results in a timely manner.

Earlier, China approved a total of three crown diseases, namely the domestic Azf fixed tablet, and the imported Paxlovid and Molson Molnupiravir.