Jinmen County Mayor Chen Fuhai announced that Golden Gate Sorghum Wine has been allowed to export to mainland China again.

Chen Fuhai Sunday (January 29) wrote on Facebook that Golden Gate Wine Company, which produces Golden Gate Sample Wine, and the county government team continued to communicate and work hard.When the office director Song Tao met, "Director Song brought good news and gave Jinmen a spring red envelope.

Chen Fuhai said: "From the 28th of this month, Golden Gate Sorghum wine can continue to enter the mainland area."

Golden Gate sorghum wine will not be exported to mainland China in December last year.Chen Fuhai, who won the throne of Golden Gate County in the local election last November, said that he was the issue of Jinmen sorghum wine, communicated with relevant units on both sides of the strait, and went to the mainland to communicate with the mainland to communicate in the mainland.After taking office, we will start negotiation.

According to the Taiwan Union News Network and Zhongshi News Network, in order to solve the problem of losing the land and land in the land, and discuss issues such as the recovery of the small three -way project, the Kuomintang legislators Chen YuzhenDuring the period, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Xiamen, and Pan Xianlou, deputy director of the State Council, met.

Chen Yuzhen announced through press release. Song Tao announced in person on Sunday that the problem of gold and land in the gold wine has been completely resolved, and the General China Customs has lifted the ban.

Chen Fuhai and Chen Yuzhen also uploaded photos of Song Tao with Chen Fuhai and Chen Yuzhen on their Facebook accounts.

According to information on the official website of the General Administration of Customs of China, Golden Gate Winery products were suspended on December 7 last year and resumed on January 19 this year.