A number of Chinese online audiovisual platforms are fully investigated and cleaned up with funny content labeling, selling miserable, and obtaining traffic with the bad content of the "full release".

China Online Audiovisual Program Service Association WeChat public account released on January 22, saying that in response to the recent criminal release personnel, the China Radio and Television Administration deployed Beijing and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television through short videos and online live broadcasts.In Shanghai, Guangdong and other provincial and municipal buses, the organization of Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, Bilibili, Xiaohongshu, Tencent and other key network audio -visual platforms have been checked and revised to comprehensively investigate and clean up.Bad online audiovisual content.

As of the evening of January 21, a total of 222 illegal accounts were checked, 3345 violations were cleaned up, and 207 related topics were removed, mainly involving showing off the experience of serving the sentence, beautifying the life of prison, questioning the fairness of the country, and the impartiality of the country, and the state's justice.Create funny videos with "serving punishment stalks", and use punishment to release "people set" marketing and cargo.

This investigation strengthens basic information review for relevant users' avatars, nicknames, profiles, and background maps.In the statement, the platform will forcibly reset the user information of the account, and at the same time restrict the user's modification of user information for seven days.

In short videos, through inspection and monitoring, extract words, maps, and video samples, expand and improve illegal sample libraries, establish special identification models, and manually artificially manually artificially manually published the short videos released by the public release of criminals.Review.

Tencent, Xiaohongshu and other platforms have issued relevant announcements, which clearly stated that it has severely crack down on the attitude of creating a person's settings and pink attractions to the illegal behavior, and encourages netizens to actively report it.

The China Central Cyberspace Office announced on January 18 that it launching a one -month "Qinglang · 2023 Spring Festival Internet Environmental Rectification" special action.", Seriously dispose of" net red "bloggers who have problems such as hype and inferior behavior, deliberately dressed as ugly, and investigated and dealt with the so -called" inspirational Internet celebrities "who showed off their execution and beautify their sentences.