After the input of Australian coal in Australia, China is reportedly reported that the Australian lobster imports will also be lifted, indicating that the gradual recovery of Sino -Australian relations will be heated.Former Australian diplomats analyze that China may take this opportunity to seek Australian support and not oppose China to join the Cross Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP).

The Voice of Germany and the South China Morning Post on Monday (January 23) reported that China has canceled the Australian coal transmission ban earlier this month.For Australian goods, Australian lobster may now become the next goal of China's official loosening.

According to the official website of the Chinese Consulate General in Perth, Long Dingbin, Consul General in Perth, was invited to visit the Western Australian Jilong Teng Fisherman Cooperation Co., Ltd. on January 11.

Long Dingbin said that as the largest rock lobster exporter in Australia, Jilong Teng has played an important role in promoting Chinese and Western fishery cooperation and enhancing people's friendship over the years.It is hoped that the company will firmly cooperate confidence, pay attention to the industry's dynamics, and make good use of the China International Import Expo and other platforms.It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, China -Australia relations must have achieved greater development, and Jilong Teng Company played a greater role in fishery cooperation between the two countries.

Long Dingbin's visit to the Chinese ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian, pointed out that China and Australia will "return to normal relationships" on the same day.

For the gradual thawing of China -Australia relations, the Australian Institute of Think Titan Institute (Lowy Institute) published an article by former Australian diplomat, Justin Brown, on the 23rd.However, Xiao Qian, a Chinese ambassador to Australia, said that if China wants to completely cancel trade restrictions on Australia, it needs "(Australia) further goodwill."Xiao Qian added that "both sides have (trade) concerns."

Brown said that the goal of Australia is to ensure the minimum concessions and let China cancel all restrictions. If China proposes to exchange conditions and wants to achieve a solution that both parties agree, it will become complicated.

Brown, who had served as the chief negotiator of Australia in CPTPP negotiations, said whether China would use the above opportunities to seek Australian support and not oppose its application to join CPTPP.Although the Australian Morrison government once said that as long as the trade barriers still exist, Australia will prevent China from applying, and the tone of the Albanis government's public remarks is slightly cautious.China agrees to fully restore the exports of Australian goods or put pressure on Australia, so that it has adopted a relatively non -negative position to China to join the CPTPP.