Reuters quoted trade sources and tracking data reports that at least four of China's super oil tankers (VLCC) are transporting Russian Ural crude oil to China.The upper limit of the oil price of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) limits the use of Western freight services and insurance, and Moscow is looking for oil export vessels.

It is reported that despite Russia's sanctions in the West, China continues to buy Russian oil.Beijing had previously said that Western sanctions against Russia were illegal.

Sources said the fifth super tanker is transporting crude oil to India.India, like China, continues to purchase Russian oil sold at discounted prices.

According to sources and EIKON ship tracking data, all five batches of oil ship goods are scheduled to be between December 22 and January 23.

The upper limit of the price launched by the Seventh Kingdom Group in December allows countries outside the European Union to import shipping Russia oil, but it is forbidden to ship, insurance and reinsurance companies to deal with Russian crude oil ships, unless the sales price is lower than $ 60 (about 78.9666 (about 78.9666The upper limit of Xinyuan).

Reuters quoted a executive of a Chinese company involved in transportation: "Because the price of Ural oil is far lower than the upper limit, the business of buying and trading Ural oil is basically legal," <<"/P>

Hardeep Singh Puri said at a press conference last week that India will buy oil from any place that can get the cheapest price.

The above -mentioned executives participating in the transportation of Chinese companies estimate that in 2023, a total of 18 Chinese super tankers and another 16 other Aframax oil tankers can be used to transport Russian crude oil, which is enough to transport 15 million tons per year.It accounts for about 10%of the total export of Ural's crude oil.