Board of crown disease affects house demand last year, which made China last year last year last year, which caused China last year last year last year last year, which caused China last year last year last year.House prices fell further in December, and the price of new commercial housing declined for five consecutive months.

Reuters quoted the data report released by the State Bureau of State State Statistics on Monday (January 16) that the sales price of new commercial housing in 70 large and medium cities in China last year decreased by 0.2%, as in November, in NovemberThe decline was flat, a decrease of eight consecutive months, a decrease of 1.5%, a narrowing of 0.1%from November.The sales prices of second -hand residential houses decreased by 0.5%month -on -month, and the decrease was 0.1 percentage points from the previous month.

The latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China shows that among 70 large and medium cities, the sales prices of newly -built commercial housing have decreased 55 cities month -on -month, which are four more than last month.There are 63, which is one more than last month.

The recent real estate assistance measures launched by the Chinese government, coupled with Beijing last month that it will cancel the "dynamic clearing zero" epidemic prevention measures to inspire the market atmosphere, but the continuous weak demand will suppress the recovery of the property market.

The restart of the Chinese economy has triggered a new wave of crown disease epidemic, which will cause obstacles to economic activities at least in the next few months and add a burden on their families.