The National Health and Health Commission of China emphasizes that the implementation of the "Class B and B" is not liberalized, but to prevent and control the epidemic through more scientific, accurate, and efficiently.Essence

According to CCTV news reports, the China State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism held a press conference on Sunday (January 8)."Class B and B", the focus of work has shifted from "anti -infection" to "health care and severe illness", from risk -regional and personnel management and control to health services and management.

Mi Feng said that it is necessary to refine the implementation plan, strengthen vaccination, strengthen the reserves of drugs and medical resources, do a good job of classification diagnosis and treatment, strengthen epidemic monitoring, strengthen the protection of key institutions and key places.Formulate related plans, strengthen training guidance, promote the implementation of various measures, and ensure that it is stable and orderly.

He said that the implementation of the "Class B and B" is not to let go of it, but to emphasize more scientific, accurate, and efficient epidemic prevention and control, and better coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development.

In order to guide all places to further do a good job in the prevention and control and medical treatment of the epidemic, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Class B Tube" and the optimization and adjustment of prevention and control measures, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism and relevant departments have released the tenth edition of the defense of the tenth edition of the prevention and control mechanism and relevant departments.Control scheme and the tenth edition diagnosis and treatment plan.