Tuesday (January 4) is the first working day of the New Year. Chen Jining, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to urban parks, community vegetable farms and old communities to investigate the promotion of people's livelihood work on the spot.

According to the First Financial Report, Chen Jining pointed out in the investigation that in order to continuously realize the people's longing for a better life, it is necessary to solidly fall into the promotion of every people's heart project and the practicality of each people's livelihood.EssenceIt is necessary to thoroughly study the spirit of the 20th and General Secretary Xi Jinping to examine the spirit of the important speech in Shanghai, always adhere to the people -centered development ideas, conscientiously implement the concept of the people's city, and continue to improve the welfare of people's livelihood with more measures to benefit people's livelihood and warm the people.Life quality, strive to compose a new chapter of "city and make life better".

The Expo Cultural Park, located in the core area of Pudong Binjiang, is a major measure to optimize ecosystems, enhance the quality of space, continues the concept of World Expo, and build an ecological city.At present, the northern district of the park has been opened and opened, and the south district of the park is building.At the Gemini Mountain project site with the ceiling structure and launching mountain landscape planting, Chen Jining looked up the overall planning and construction progress of the park, understood the functional positioning of the project and the use of green low -carbon concepts.

He said, we must strive for excellence, carefully crafted and carefully do a good job of building, openness, and management, strengthen space design, improve service facilities, strengthen comprehensive experience, leave the best resources to the people, use it with the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, use it to the people, and use it to the people. Use it to the people. Use it to the people.High -quality supply to the people, build an open, integrated, and shared urban park.

Chen Jining also investigated in the community vegetable field, saying that the community vegetable farm is closest to the daily needs of ordinary people, and the supply of stable prices is related to everyone's vital interests.It is necessary to closely monitor the changes in the price of important agricultural and sideline products such as meat, poultry, egg milk, strengthen the docking of supply and demand, and unblock the logistics network to ensure that the supply is sufficient and the price is stable.It is necessary to accelerate the implementation of stabilization measures and maintain stable teams such as booth operations and market service personnel during the Chinese New Year.

When investigating the old community, Chen Jining said that the transformation of the old community is related to the living safety and quality of the people.It is necessary to thoroughly implement the concept of the people's city, focus on the masses "urgent and worried", and find ways, seek realistic, and promote practical results.It is necessary to combine regional reality, speed up and improve the working mechanism, actively innovate the working model, and truly do good things and do practical truth.