As the cases of crown disease increased and the epidemic spread, the official media and People's Daily issued a document to summarize the results achieved by epidemic prevention in the past three years.Base.

People's Daily published on Thursday (December 15) entitled three years of resistance. The "Ren Zhongping" signed article that we walked together was called "Ren Yin at the end of the year, and the land of Shenzhou was rising.Vitality, showing thousands of weather. "

The article wrote that in the past three years, China has conducted a thrilling resistance of epidemics and has experienced a difficult historical examination.Effectively dealt with more than a hundred clustered epidemic, effectively deal with the impact of the five -wave global epidemic, and effectively protect the lives of more than 1.4 billion people in the most fierce stage of the virus and physical health.Overall the prevention and control of epidemic and economic and social development has achieved major positive results.

The article pointed out that from 20 to the new ten, China moves due to the time and follows the trend. Grasp the time to optimize the prevention and control policy of the epidemic. The new weather is presented.For the century epidemic, we are more powerful, more confident, and more fighting! "

The article further emphasizes that the struggle against the disease" maximizes the superiority of the Chinese socialist system ".China's epidemic prevention and control policy is correct, scientific, and effective. "It has been recognized by the people and can stand the test of historical tests."

The article reviews the past three years in Wuhan, Inner Mongolia to Shanghai, etc.The epidemic emphasizes that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core of the Communist Party of China is very difficult to deal with the scientific strategy, winning one after another, and holding the solid line of defense of the people's life and health, maintaining economic and social development and epidemic prevention and control.Global leading position.

For the introduction of the new ten optimization measures, the article states that this is the specific practice that implements the people -centered and puts the people's lives and health in the first place, and emphasizes that the practice has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it has proved that it is proven.The policies of the epidemic prevention and control policies determined by Xi Jinping as the core of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China are completely correct. China's prevention and control measures are scientific and effective, the most economical, and effective. This is the fundamental support of the Chinese war.

The article also emphasized that in the past three years, China has taken the initiative to respond to challenges and continuously accumulate experience, enhance the ability of epidemic prevention, and accumulate resources for resistance."There are strengths", "conditions, mechanisms, systems, teams, and drugs, laid the foundation for the comprehensive victory of the anti -fighting epidemic."