The Natural Editorial Department of the International Well -known Journal announced the list of the top ten characters in 2022. Among them, Cao Yunlong, a researcher at Peking University Biomedical Frontier Innovation Center, was selected.

This list aims to select ten people who occupy a place in major scientific events this year.

According to Peking University News Network, Cao Yunlong carried out systemic research on the immune response of Coronal virus B cells, the structure and function of specific antibodies during the epidemic, and the development of coronary diseases and antibody drugs.The results of the innovative research on the characteristics of coronary liquid immune response and crown disease mutation immunization mechanism have made important contributions to anti -epidemic.At the same time, he published a number of related research articles in multiple international journals with the first author and joint communication authors.

Cao Yunlong has been evaluated by MIT science and technology in China "35 people under 35 years old" and received funding from the National Excellent Youth Science Fund of China.

Cao Yunlong graduated from Zhu Kezhen College of Zhejiang University in 2014. He obtained a doctorate degree in chemistry from Harvard University in 2019, and is currently a researcher at the frontiers of Peking University Biomedicine Innovation Center.