Morgan Stanley economists have raised the forecast of China's GDP growth (GDP) growth in 2023. It is expected that rapid reassessment and continuous relaxation of policies will promote economic growth.

According to Bloomberg report, an economist Xing Ziqiang and others reported on Tuesday (December 13) that the bank forecast the GDP growth rate from 5%to 5.4%. It is expected to be at the end of the first quarter of next year.Personnel flow and economic activities will return to the levels of June and July this year, and then continue to recover from the level before the epidemic in the past 2023.

These economists wrote that although the crown disease climbed to the peak and disrupted production and consumption, economic growth will suffer short pain early next year, but compared to the impact of epidemic prevention and control on operations on operationsThe risk of the supply chain may be controllable.They added that "the whole policy is urgent to promote growth".

Economists wrote: "In our opinion, decision makers are coordinating and adopting action to promote growth. This is the first time since 2019. Domestic macro policies and epidemic prevention management cooperateRecovery, not as offset forces. "

Other banks have also raised their predictions on China's economic growth.Australia and New Bank raised the growth rate of growth to 5.4%in November this year.Nomura Holdings raised it to 4.8%earlier this month.According to Bloomberg survey, economists' general predictions on China's economic growth in 2023 are 4.8%.