Crown Disease Oral Medicine Azf is scheduled to open the Internet in China.Diagnosis and mergers are prescribed.NotInterface News reported on Tuesday (December 13) that Azfdin's business partner Fosun Pharmaceutical said that Azf will first implement online prescriptions on the Ark Kenkens APP and JD health often.Detective positive or antigen detection positive as the basis, priced at 330 yuan (RMB, about S $ 64)/bottle (1mg*35 tablets).NotAccording to the First Financial Report, Fosun Pharmaceutical said that the company has reached strategic cooperation with Sinopharm Holdings and China Resources Pharmaceuticals, which will improve the termination of Azf's terminal in China and accelerate network coverage.NotThe province has completed the medical insurance hanging network of Azfding and has now covered more than 2,000 hospitals.NotOn November 19th, it was sold on the Neptune Xingchen Chain Pharmacy Line, but Since this drug is a non -retail sales of prescription drugs, the China State Drug Administration, Azf is scheduled to be removed from the shelves on the same day, and was removed by the shelves.EssenceNotIt is reported that Azf's re -launch this time is based on Monday (December 12) issued a notice on the Internet medical services of the new crown pneumonia. Among themPatients with coronary symptoms, those who meet their homes, prescribe prescriptions for the treatment of crown diseases online, and entrust a third party to distribute drugs to the patient's home.NotWhether it is necessary to hoard the medicine, Professor Chang Rongshan, an expert in the virus, said in an interview with the daily economic news reporter that except for the new crown vaccine, all new crown drugs are not currently preventing the new crown.Patients need to take medicine under the guidance of the doctor, and personal medicine is meaningless.NotPhaxlovid of Pfizer and the real creature's Azf's fixed tablet is currently a crown oral medication for coronary disease. Both drugs have been included in the latest version of the new version of the new coronary virus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment scheme (ninth edition).NotThe applicable population is adults and adolescents with light and ordinary types and progressive and progressive high -risk factors within five days of the disease. Azf is included in adaptive diseases for the treatment of adult patients for general crown diseases.